Thursday, January 20, 2011

Banners for IHQ Singapore

The banners I've been working on for about 9 months are complete and waiting to be transported to Singapore. Before you get all excited about how I did the graphics, let me say that they were done by Thai craftspersons - working in batik and silk screening. My job was to get them all to the same size, add the lettering, join with batting and backing, apply the borders and hanging sleeves on the back.

I was working at odd moments between my other jobs and activities, and some of the difficulties required study and thought. Hopefully I got the measurements right and they will fit into the space that has been prepared for them.
I've never been to Singapore, but maybe I'll get there some day. It would be nice to see these installed in their place.


Julie Fukuda said...

Wow!!! Congratulations on a great finish! That was a real undertaking. Someone with a camera had better get you a picture once they are installed. Or... how about telling them they are too valuable and need to be delivered in person!

Georgia said...

Ha! I tried that one already. The answer was 'no'! Pictures were promised, however.

Church In The Gap said...

Your work on banners was awsomely great!!

Georgia said...

I have never seen any pictures of them in Singapore. I should ask Simon san to look for them when he goes.