Monday, March 14, 2011

Another day - a new set of circumstances

I woke this morning to news of planned rolling black outs to conserve electrical power. Everything was organized with lists of places affected and the times. The Osu area of Ichikawa city where I live was scheduled to be blacked out from 9:20 to 12 :20 and again from 3:00pm for three hours. I came to the office to see if there was anything I could do. We had our usual time for prayer a little later, hoping to coordinate with the blackout. However, the power has not gone off and it is now nearing noon. So, I did some of the work that I usually do for Serve Japan. Alison came by on her way looking for some specific items to buy at the stores, only to find that the stores are mostly closed or out of significant amounts of important things.

This reminds me in some ways of an approaching hurricane. Or of the aftermath when you lose power or are expecting to lose power. And yet it is different. Everyone is waiting to hear what is happening with the nuclear power station in Fukushima, and speculating as people do. Will there be an explosion, will it release significant radioactive material. Will dangerous dust clouds blow around? Will the wind blow out to sea, toward Tokyo, where? What do you do in case of any of these scenarios?

Our Medical Advisor is trying to keep on top of giving us the best advice, and the Japanese Government has prepared ahead of time for some of the eventualities.

I would urge all of my praying friends to continue to pray for the situation in Japan. Please do not become desensitized by the repetitions of pictures and reports on the news. A nation is held in thrall of the unfolding events. God is still on the throne and doesn't miss a thing.

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