Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Update

It sounds like people everywhere have seen lots of images of Japan in the past few days. One thing you need to remember is that not all of Japan looks like that. In my town, Ichikawa, everything looks the same as it did a week ago. Church was much the same with the addition of a collection point for monetary donations for relief efforts and prayers during the service specifically addressing the distressing circumstances.

I have heard some amazing stories about friends and acquaintances. One man who works in Tokyo picked up his 12 year old daughter who is is in school in the city as well. Trains were not running, so the two of them walked home. I don't know how far, but it took most of 8 hours to accomplish. A mom and dad drove into Tokyo to rescue their two kids who were stranded at school. On the way back they got to the river that divides Ichikawa from Tokyo. Dad and son decided to get out and walk; they got home at about 12:30 am. Mom and daughter made it home with the car after 4:00 am.

Today I saw the local JR train line running. Most activities are continuing as usual. I noticed again at my local market that food was rather scarce in some departments. I wonder now if deliveries were just totally disrupted on Friday and stores have had to make do with what they had.

If we had only had the earthquake, the relief effort would have had mostly consisted of clean-up. With the tsunami so much more is needed. Here "in country" OMF as I mentioned yesterday is partnering with a group called CRASH for coordination of activities.
From the OMF website   

OMF workers will be helping with relief efforts in the Sendai region to provide whatever assistance they are able to give to the people in the area. OMF will also be supporting the work of other Christian agencies in Japan that are reaching out to help those affected by the earthquake and tsunami.

The Sendai Earthquake Relief Fund, an OMF Japan project, has been created to channel funds for this effort. Anyone wishing to contribute to this project may do so through the OMF office in their country. (Working through your local OMF office is faster, less expensive and less complicated than arranging international bank transfers to Japan). Please quote project number L60500.

In the States you can make donations to this fund by check or credit card. For more information call 1-800-422-5330.


Julie Fukuda said...

50 walkers stopped overnight at Tokyo Union Church where they got a late night snack and breakfast before srtting out again in the morning. We have learned that Asian Rural Institute (ARI) had lots off damage to buildings. Our Church has been a big supporter of that place. Luckily the students are yet to arrive and everyone else is safe but the future of this training center is very much up in the air.

Georgia said...

We had a rep. at the CRASH meeting today. Hope to find out if I can do anything to help.

XUE said...

I am happy for you that you are alright. We have many friends in Japan & my niece is there as well.

Georgia said...

Xue - good to hear from you! You moved away from Tokyo I heard. Maybe good timing m(^0^)M