Saturday, July 28, 2012

Only in summer

I decided this afternoon that I really needed to get out and walk for a bit before it got too dark. The quality of my physical exercise has become a bit tatty recently.  I noticed when I was greeting Mrs. Kusaka that it seemed a bit cooler and drier outside than it had been this morning.  So, after dinner I got my bag and a towel, put on proper shoes (not Crocs or sandals) and stepped outside. 

I immediately heard a distinctive sound. It was music, but of a special type heard on certain summer evenings in this area. Summer festival music with the strong beat of taiko drums and and the plaintive vocal.  So I headed toward the elementary school and the sound grew louder.  I had been to this festival in 2004 and really, it looked much the same.  There were more drummers today and a fire truck, but otherwise the same.  No doubt the annual PTA summer fundraiser.

Having seen fellow blogger, Nancy J's video of the newborn lambs gave me the idea to take a video with my camera, which I had never done. It's quite a small, relatively uncomplicated camera and I had never videoed with it before.  I did manage to figure out how to switch modes and off I went.  Here it is:                                                               



Nancy J said...

Great video, and you have done it so well, when it ends and I replay no thumbnails at all.Do you load them on Youtube or use another way?Looking forward to more. Cheers, Jean.

Georgia said...

Thanks Nancy. I uploaded to my computer first and for whatever reason it treated the video as a photo so I uploaded to the blog with 'insert photo'. When I tried it with the video upload function it got hung up and wouldn't load. Ours is not to wonder why...