Saturday, January 22, 2011

10th Annual 'Dome Show'

I dragged myself out to the first Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival in 2002 after a nasty bout with the flu and was nearly overwhelmed at the size of the thing. The next one I was able to attend was 2009. Of course it was bigger and better. In 2010 I was invited to attend the Opening Ceremonies. It was a delight to watch Princess Masako among other dignitaries, cut the ribbon, and then be able to walk into the displays with very few other people just before the doors were opened to the general public. Today I went with a visiting friend, who only had today free, to the second day of this year's Festival. To say it was crowded is a gross understatement. The Dome was packed with quilts and more vendors and people than I've ever seen there. I found myself taking pictures of just a part of a quilt because so many people were in  the way, or of an interesting detail because I was close and there was no space to back up for a long shot.

1 comment:

Julie Fukuda said...

I was away to the women's conference so missed the first day. I think I will go this week and hope the crouds will be down a bit.