Saturday, February 7, 2009

Yuki Matsuri 2009

Each February the city of Sapporo hosts a Snow Festival in Odori Park in the heart of the city. Many snow and ice sculptures are erected and visitors are directed to view them by walking around the park in a counterclockwise pattern.

The festival lasts only one week. The weather this week has hovered right around freezing during the day time hours so the snow around the park went from slush to packed to ice. I was grateful for my strap on cleats and my ski pole. I walked in a surefooted manner while those around me slithered and slid.

Pictures of the festival are running on the slide show to the left. If you want a better look you can visit my public album at and search for Yuki Matsuri 2009.


Jaime Marie Pinckard said...

すごい!How amazing! I love the ice sculpture of the church-like building; the lighting and detail is quite a feat of architecture!

Thank you for sharing these with us. How is the language school going? Anything else of note?

I've been thinking about you a lot this week. My mom and I walk three miles everyday, but lately the torrential rainfall of So. Cal. has been threatening our constitutional. (Here, it's either bone dry or raining cats and dogs). On Saturday, we were hit by a bout of hail, but I was thinking to myself, "If Georgia can brave the Sapporo ice and snow to go to school, a little hail and rain won't hurt!"

Georgia said...

Today it was adjectives. It seems there are ii adjectives and na adjectives, something I never knew before. Nothing to do but to memorize them I guess. Yesterday was time expressions with all of the ancient counting of the days of the month. Of course all of these years of just knowing a lot of nouns, the particles trip me up all the time. Even so I feel I am plowing through and Takahashi sensei still has her sense of humor!

Ed Collins said...

Those Georgia jackets were cool, So did you find out what the Georgia was about?

The slide show on the snow sculptures was great. A lot of work went into those sculptures when they will be gone in a few weeks. But is not that the same with our lives if we do not know Jesus.

Georgia said...

"Georgia" is a brand of canned coffee products that has been around for a long time here in the vending machines that dispense hot drinks as well as cold. So when a Japanese person seems to struggle with my name I say it's the same as the coffee. The guys in the pix were setting up a promotion. I called to one and told him that that really was my name and he posed happily.

Thanks for the good word on the transience of the material and the hope of The Eternal One.

Matthew said...

WOW the full size house one is amazing.
i keep u in my pray + miss u so much.
<3 u
in christ

Matthew said...

btw for sonme reason i have 2 accounts ...acward but there both following u now

Georgia said...

I think that you signed in once as Matt and another time as Matthew. From a look at your profile, maybe your head is big enough for two followers 8p. Keep praying and know I miss you too! Hugs.