Friday, August 19, 2011


And the promise of cooler weather for a couple of days.  Whew! We have had about two weeks of scorching hot weather for a city with only room air conditioners in most houses, and a campaign to save electricity in full swing.

At the beginning of summer at the OMF office next door, personnel who work weekdays were moved to the third floor to conserve power.  The computer system functions better when it's kept cool, so that's where everyone has camped.

I have been catching up on cleaning the Guest Home after having a full house several times in July and August with quick turnovers, which sometimes puts me behind where I'd like to be as far as having things in place for the next guests arriving. As of yesterday all the rooms and bathrooms are clean and made up for the next guests (August 28.) Kitchens and living rooms have been cleaned, and the new book shelf incorporated into the mix of books and games and videos storage. OMF members who stay here now are assisting with the clean up and its been a great help.

Yesterday the temperature was in the low 90's with the "feels like" temperature near 100 degrees. This morning I woke to overcast skies which have gradually given over to darker and darker grey.  As I opened the window in the office before starting this entry, I heard the rain start.  It's supposed to be an all day affair with temperatures cooling in to the 70's on the weekend.  Ah, now I hear thunder!

I will be leaving for my summer holiday on Sunday afternoon.  This year's trip is abbreviated quite a bit from last year's 4 weeks.  I could only find a week for myself (I'm the person who makes the booking schedule!) at the old Karuizawa House.  Maybe I'll get another week or two in the autumn.

This year, however, I feel my overall health is better. Just after my holiday last year I was finally diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.  In the intervening year I have lost 8 kilos (a math problem for my American friends ^.^) and the blood glucose test numbers have come down to very close to (and sometimes within) normal limits.

In a little while I will go down to Ichikawa Station, walking under the railway line most of the way, to get my tickets for the train on Sunday.  If I get a little wet, I don't think I'll mind at all!


Ed Collins said...

Hi Georgia, PTL on the health front.
8 kilos x 2.2 pounds / kilo = 17.6 lbs.

Georgia said...

You get a star, Ed! Hope you are all well.