Sunday, September 25, 2011

Typhoons and Water and Guests, Oh My!

It's Sunday late morning here. I've been available at 8am to give the pastor the key so that he could get into the office building to make copies of the bulletin, attended the 10 am service and then talked a little with a friend who stopped by after. I just made a pot of chai tea so I could have chai latte while I type, and I have the Osenbei, rice crackers open at my elbow. Until my guest arrives late this evening I'm pretty much free.

This past week was pretty busy with guests and a typhoon and guests because of the typhoon, the return of the Field Director's wife who has been in Germany for several months helping take care of her frail mother and dad, giving her siblings a bit of an easier time. The typhoon was very similar to some hurricanes I've been near. The center travelled south to northeast a bit inland from here, so we got lots of wind and rain. They shut the trains down sometime during evening rush hour and started them back up sometime after 10.30. So the Business Manager and the new Accounts Clerk couldn't go home and asked to stay over. Another friend was stuck at Tokyo station wanting to go to Osaka, so when she could get here and not there, she asked for a room. We had a team of Americans here (3 men, 3 women, all middle age or older) who had been in Sendai helping with the relief work and had a few days before going home to California. One of their churches in the US had the secretary call me when they heard on the news that there was a typhoon coming to Tokyo. She was unconcerned that the time difference meant she had rung my telephone at 5.40 am.

One of our friends who pastors a church in Tokyo had scheduled to use our auditorium and another area all day on Friday for a kind of church retreat. They also wanted to baptize three people which meant I had to find out how to fill up the baptistery which is under the platform on the far end of the auditorium. Fortunately our pastor who has used it several times was able to consult with us on the method. The major glitches were that the hot water heating system has an automatic shutoff after running for between 45 minutes and an hour. It takes three hours to fill the baptistery - it's a lot bigger than it needs to be, but that's how it got built. So you have to be rather alert when filling it to get enough hot water. The pastor doing the baptism was sure I didn't have a clue how to do it, he wasn't far wrong, so he came out Thursday afternoon and filled the baptistery about a third of the way up then asked me to fill it up the rest of the way on Friday morning. when it was done, he pulled out a thermometer like you use to see how hot the ofuro water is before your bath. He was happily surprised that it was 32 degrees C.

This next week we get busy again with the Home Council's autumn meeting on Tuesday. Some of their members and those giving reports live far enough away that they have asked to stay overnight. We have several people here for a few days before they fly to their home countries for their Home Assignments. We also have people here visiting with an eye to seeing if this might be where they'd like to work. The first week of October is the autumn Field Council meeting which sees representative members from all over the northern part of Honshu and Hokkaido here for several days.

After that, around the middle of October, it looks like the pace might slow down a little for a while, or it may be that people are just now thinking they should write to make reservations.

I'd really like to go to Quilting Class this week. It got cancelled last week because of the typhoon. I need to get some kind of a project cut out or planned to take however. We'll see. I'd also like to go to the grocery store and fruit market. And, there's the ever present "stuff" that still needs to be gone through or to have a home found for it.


Julie Fukuda said...

my, you have been busy. I hope you are enjoying a bit cooler weather. I see Mt Fuji got its first dusting of snow this weekend. Our quilt group met the Friday before last and the next meeting will be at my place.

Georgia said...

I am loving the cooler weather! Things here have been truly mad at times over the last month. I just took a look at the progress of your + and x quilt and agree that the bigger it gets the less the unbeautiful blocks seem to matter. Thanks for the info about the spider lily. I've spotted two here on our grounds in the past few days. Autumn is here!