Saturday, February 25, 2012


It’s been relatively cold this winter in Tokyo.  It always seems cold to me I guess, but we have had a couple of months when the temperature hasn’t risen  much above 40° (F). It doesn’t get much below freezing either, but with wind and rain that can be a miserable temperature for a transplanted Floridian. And like Florida summers it sometimes seems to go on for a really unreasonable amount of time.
So, being basically an optimist, I am always on the lookout for change.  Today I was surprised by the sight of evidence that winter will end and spring will come. The plum tree is on the side of the building facing the alley and when I went to throw something into the trash, I saw two blossoms had opened, and many more are about ready to burst.

When I was researching kamon to put in my Japanese Memory Quilt I read somewhere that the plum blossom is a symbol of perseverance because it blooms when it is still winter. I liked that idea so much, I decided I would make block with a plum blossom kamon in the quilt.  It reminds me that I need to persevere; flower when it still seems to be winter, spring will surely come.


Julie Fukuda said...

The plum we planted to celebrate our first daughter's birth has bloomed on her birthday for the last 46 years. So far this year there is not a hint of color. The Japanese newspaper said the blooms were 15 days behind this year so five more to go... I am SO ready for spring!

Nancy J said...

Hi, I found your blog via Julie Fukuda, and will add you to my list. A lovely photo of the blossom, I always marvel at the way nature shows us the next season is coming closer. Here in NZ we have rain, gale winds, and winter approaching. Cheers from Jean.