It was a lovely day yesterday, dispite dark skies and intermittent showers. I was commissioned in the later morning service and with many others in the evening service, gave a short testimony of God's continuing Mercy,Grace, Love and Adoption (bullet points from the morning's sermon.) Afterward we had a fun time of fellowship and food. Many many thanks to everyone who participated and contributed. I carried my camera around all day and constantly forgot to take pictures, so you'll just have to imagine. (I will work on doing a better job of photo documentation. It should be easier in Japan where everyone takes pictures of everything all the time.)
A couple interesting things from yesterday: It is common when you go to work in missions for people to relate to their own experience. I am often asked if I know of a certain person who worked/works in Japan. I almost never do. So, imagine my surprise when one of our Canadian Snowbirds showed me a brochure from a conference they had there last summer and asked if the people in the picture looked familiar, and I saw David and Rosemary Harley! They were former International Directors of OMF during some of the time I was in Japan. They stayed at the Guest Home a couple of times, and we became acquainted. Then, one of our newly elected church board members asked me if I knew a missionary in Japan named Ralph Clatworthy. Yes! Ralph and his wife Miho serve with OMF in Hatazawa, Japan. Some days the world does seem a little smaller.
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