Sunday, July 24, 2011

Full House

Actually, tonight is one of those rare occasions when there is no one at the Guest Home. Kenton left this morning, and JP is away for the weekend.  So, it's quiet here except for the three Sunday School classes using our buildings at the moment.

This all changes starting tomorrow evening when new guests start arriving and by Tuesday night all the rooms will be occupied. This is the way of the Guest Home in Ichikawa.

When I took over management of the place in June it was a sudden change for me and I had to jump into a schedule that had already, in the most, part been set for me. The busy schedule continues for another week or two and then glorious down time and perhaps an actual vacation!

The 10th of August a prayer partner from America, whom I have not met in person, will visit for 5 days.  Even though it is likely to be hot, I will try to show her the highlights of Tokyo. Just planning for this upcoming change of schedule is rather invigorating. It's something to look forward to.


Julie Fukuda said...

Do you have to stand-by when there are no guests just in case someone wants in? (Or they expected to plan ahead?)

Georgia said...

99% of the people plan ahead. Long about the second week of August we turn into a virtual ghost town this year. I have lots of projects to do in down times, but I can schedule around a bit if I want to do something else, like have a quilting retreat or something. ;-)