Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the US. It may be the last time I see a turkey for a while. Hard to say. I will be spending the day with family and friends at my sister's house. I will also be staying over till Saturday since it is my last visit with them for a while. I'm avoiding all the Black Friday mess too. The things people do to obtain their "things" is amazing and at best a bit extreme.

I am thankful for being able, at long last, to go back to Japan. I'm also thankful for all the things it took to get me to this point. They say that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm thankful for friends old and new, and that things are finally sliding into place for this trip.

Today I cancelled the newspaper and my telephone service, filed change of address with several entities. I mailed calendars to people I won't see before I go and took some things over to the church for the Mission Activity Group and got the newspapers to the recycling bin.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Remember to count your blessings!


Jaime Marie Pinckard said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anne Collins said...

Hi Georgia
I'm not sending out Christmas cards this year. But would still like to wish you a very Merry Christmas a little bit early.
I am thankful for your upcoming trip and will be praying for your safety.
Take care.
Anne Collins

Georgia said...

Thanks Jaime Marie, and, thanks Ann. I especially appreciate your prayers.